Inside this Newsletter

Celebrating 25 Glistening Years of Business!


~Program Book Ads

Due March 12th

Display a special ad, picture, or message in our annual dance concert program.


Picture Days
February 12th & 13th


Concert Tickets, DVD, and T-shirt Orders

Due March 12th


Happy Valentine’s Day!
We hope that many hugs and kisses come your way! Don’t forget to share your love with someone special! For those who would like to share Valentine's with their dance friends, feel free to do so, and many thanks in advance for sharing. XOXO!

Tickets! Tickets! Tickets!

Wow, 2025 has arrived and our Annual Dance Concert will be here before we know it!  Please be on the lookout for order info.  Order info will be sent via email.  Feel free to give your ticket orders to Ms. Barbara or Ms Kim.  Your orders will be filled in the order they are received and will be handed to you in person at a later date.


Our dance concert has proven to be an exciting event for all involved. Be sure to invite all of your special friends and family!!! Don’t forget that the dress rehearsal is on Friday, May 16th …. Rehearsal times will be posted at a later date.


All accounts are to be up to date before tickets can be purchased.  Thank you!


BCFD Ties & Tiaras 1st Annual Daddy Daughter Dance

Attn: Come join us for a night of fun for Dads & Daughters!

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

Grace Lutheran School Gym

321 Ave C SE

Winter Haven, FL 33880

5:00-7:00 PM

Tickets are $25 each, which includes kid-friendly food, crafts, photography, raffles, and of course dancing.

A local DJ will be on-site to host the party and play the best of music.

Dressy Attire - No shoes with heels

For more info, please see posted information in the dance centre' lobby.


A Night of Razzle Dazzle a Huge Success!
Congratulations to all involved with the night of Razzle Dazzle! Wow, what a job well done! I was so proud of the performers, you all looked marvelous! Congrats to the Dazzler parents, you are such an awesome example of teamwork.  Thanks for all you do! Also, thanks to all that came to support the Dazzlers - Especially the PreDancers and the Sponsors!


Dance Tuition
Remember that your tuition is due on the 1st day of the month to avoid the $20 late fee! Thank you.


Spring Break
BCFD will be closed during the week of March 17th, 2025 - Enjoy and be safe, but most of all have tons of fun!


Costumes, Costumes, Costumes!

By now, all should have their dance concert costumes, with the exception of one class.  Please be sure to take a look at the costume pictures in the costume book located in the lobby. Please also be sure to make sure that you have the correct tights and shoes. Be sure to keep your costumes safe, neat, and tidy to ensure that all are beautiful for costume picture weekend and the dance concert. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about your costumes. We are more than happy to help.  Now is the time to ask, please do not wait until the last minute - it may be too late if you do.

Shoe and Attire Orders
All dance shoes and tight orders can be ordered by the 15th of each month. Please place your orders by the 15th. Remember not to wait until the last minute to order for the dance concert, now is the time to order, and don’t forget about pictures, everyone will need the proper attire for group pictures! Please make sure that you have the proper shoes & tights for pictures - this is a must! We want our group pictures to look MARVELOUS!


For those who didn’t order earrings with their costumes and wish to have a pair, we have a few extra pairs in stock ….. $20 each...... these are the only jewelry that can be worn for the dance concert.



Pictures in our beautiful dance costumes will be taken on Wednesday, February 12th, and Thursday, February 13th, 2025. This is the time to take individual and group pictures in your fabulous dance concert costumes. The pictures will be taken at the studio by a professional dance photographer.  All photo information was sent via email.  The photographer is asking that all preorders to better help with long lines and congestion in the studio lobby.   Thank you!

Normal classes will not be held on the above-mentioned days.

Pictures will be taken individually in all the dance concert costumes. We would like to ask that all PLEASE show up for picture day. We do take a group picture and it often means a lot to our families and staff when all classmates are in the group photos. Group photos are taken 1st, so don't be late for your picture time, Individual shots will follow - see picture times posted below.  ALL CLASS GROUP PICTURES ARE ALSO IN THE AWESOME DANCE CONCERT PROGRAM BOOK - too fun! Once again, all must be in the group photos.

For those of you who have purchased pictures in the past years you know how fabulous the pictures are!! Picture prices are comparable to school photo packages. If we can help with any questions, please let us know - happy to help

Even if you do not want to take individual pictures, please plan to attend the group photo. All group photos are in the dance concert program book and are very important to all. Thank you!!!


Barbara’s Centre’ For Dance


2025 Costume Picture Schedule

Wednesday, February 12th

3:30 Monday Intermediate Jazz

4:00 Wednesday Elementary Clogging & Wednesday Intermediate Clogging

4:30 Monday Intermediate Lyrical

5:00 Wednesday Elementary Hip Hop

5:30 Wednesday Dazzler Class - Little Party

6:10 Dazzler Group Photo - group photo only (high fashion runway outfit of choice, including headpiece)

6:25 Monday Adv/Intermediate Fusion

7:05 Barbie

7:45 Pop

8:05 Tuesday Advanced TOTAL Jazz

8:40 Tuesday Advanced Acro - group photo only

8:50 Monday Advanced Modern - group photo only

9:05 Senior Group Photo - (jeans, no shoes, white t-shirt, and black grad cap)

Thursday, February 13th

3:30 Monday Elementary Jazz

4:00 Monday Elementary Ballet & Thursday Intermediate Ballet

4:45 Monday Elementary Tap & Thursday Intermediate Tap

5:15 Monday & Wednesday Elementary Acro

5:45 Thursday PreDance

6:30 Specialty Routine Group Photo (individual shots for all solo/duos 5th grade and under only)

6:45 Tuesday Adv Clogging

7:15 Thursday Adv Tap

7:45 Thursday Adv Ballet

8:20 Thursday Musical Theatre - group photo only

8:40 Monday Adv Lyrical

9:15 Specialty Routines (individual shots for solo/duo 6th grade and up, see specialty group photo scheduled above)


The schedule may have minor changes before picture weekend. Be sure to read your Newsletter for updates, etc.




~February Tuition Due - February 1st to avoid the late fee

~Project BCFD Dance Concert Tickets go on sale - February - Specifics TBA

~Public School Early Dismiss Day – Friday, Feb 14th - Studio Opens @ 3:45 PM on this day

~Public School Holiday - Monday, February 17th

~Costume Picture Days – Feb 12th & 13th @ BCFD - See schedule above

~March Tuition Due - March 1st to avoid the late fee

~Project BCFD Dance Concert Tickets - price increase - March 1st

~Dazzler Camp Fees Due - March 1st

~Deadline to double check rough draft copy of the Project BCFD Program Book - Wednesday, March 12th

~Deadline for Dance Concert Video Orders, Program Book Ads & T-shirt Orders - Wednesday, March 12th

~Public School Early Dismiss Day – Friday, March 14th – Studio Opens @ 3:45 PM on this day

~Spring Break - Studio Closed - March 17th-21st

~April Tuition Due - April 1st to avoid the late fee

~Public School Holiday - Friday, April 18th

~Public School Early Dismiss Day – Friday, April 17th - Studio Opens @ 3:45 PM on this day

~Summer Class Fees Due - May 1st

~Specialty Fees Due (solos, duo/trios) - April 1st & May 1st

~May Tuition Due - May 1st to avoid the late fee

~Project BCFD Dance Centre' Rehearsals - @ BCFD

Monday, May 5th - Wednesday, May 7th & Monday, May 12th - Tuesday, May 13th

~Project BCFD Dress Rehearsal - Friday, May 16th @ Polk State College

~Project BCFD Dance Concert - Saturday, May 17th - 5:00 PM @ Polk State College

~Project BCFD Dance Concert Sunday, May 18th - 2:30 PM @ Polk State College

~Last Day of Public School - Wednesday, May 29th


BCFD Dancer's Rock!

Congrats to all who made the Honor Roll these 9 weeks.  Keep up the great work! Study hard!!!

Please share the awesome things that our children are achieving, we would love to post it in our newsletter.


Private Lessons
Private lessons are a great way to catch up on new skills and can be catered to your individual needs. Private lessons cost $25.00 per 1/2 hour. If interested please feel free to chat with us about lessons.


Dance Concert T-shirts - DEADLINE MARCH 12th
Get excited!!!!! To remember our awesome annual dance concert, you will have the opportunity to purchase a T-shirt. These T-shirts will not just be any T-shirt! The T-shirts will include our “PROJECT BCFD" theme. These T-shirts will be made to order, so don't miss out. We will only have printed the number of pre-ordered T-shirts, so don't delay. Our dance concert Ts are always special and over the top!! This year will be no different. They are going to be AWESOME! Please be sure to check your email for order forms.


Program Ads – DEADLINE MARCH 12th

The BCFD program book is truly the best around. All have the opportunity to place an ad in the PROJECT BCFD program book - one-line ads, business card ads, 1/4-page, 1/2-page, full page, centerfold, etc!! They are a wonderful keepsake! Be sure to be on the lookout for more info to be posted in the dance centre lobby and your dance files. DEADLINE MARCH 6th. There is a copy of last year’s program book in the dance centre' lobby, be sure to take a look! It's a beauty!!! Many thanks in advance to those of you who continue to support our program book, as there is no one around who does a program book quite like BCFD! You are appreciated and you make BCFD Fabulous!!

Remember, the deadline is important, as a program of our magnitude, takes time to put together, especially with all of the shipping delays lately.  Look for order forms via email.


Parent Survey & Summer Class Schedule
We at BCFD want to create a dance environment that is happy and conducive to learning for your child. Your suggestions, thoughts and ideas are very important to us. Feel free to drop us an email or drop us a note.   The summer class and camp schedule is soon to be posted as well.  We would love to have your input! If there are classes, etc. that you would like to see on the schedule, please let us know.  We are happy to accommodate your needs any way that we can.


PROJECT BCFD Dance Concert Show Videos For Sale - DEADLINE MARCH 12th 
All of you have or will receive your order forms for the dance concert PROJECT BCFD Dance Concert Video. Don’t miss out on this exciting event. Everyone will want a Dance Concert Video to capture all of the special memories of the awesome annual dance concert. Cost $35.00 per video. Deadline for a Dance Concert Video is March 12th.  Look for your order form on the clipboards in the dance centre lobby and/or via email.  Please remember that ALL ORDERS ARE TO BE PREORDERED to ensure that we have enough to ensure that our show will be videoed.  ONCE AGAIN, PLEASE PREORDER.  

Summer Registration
It’s time to begin planning for the summer - too FUN! The BCFD summer schedule is soon to be posted. Summer classes are a great way to try something new or perhaps catch up or get ahead for the upcoming dance season! We also have a week-long dance camp that is truly a BCFD favorite! You will want to register early! So don’t delay or you may miss out! If you have a group of friends or family that want something specific that may not be on our summer agenda just let us know, we will be happy to accommodate your needs. Summer is also a great time for private lessons!!


Specialty Routines

Friendly Reminder - Specialty payments are due Feb 1st for our 2024 Solos & Duos.


For those interested in holdover and/or new specialty routines, it’s also that time of year to start thinking about your specialty routines for the 2022-2023 season - solos, duets/trios, etc. If interested in a specialty number please speak with Ms. Barbara about details. Deadline April 1st/May 1st (payments can be split into two payments, if necessary, one payment in April and one payment in May) - chat with Ms. Barbara if interested.


Dad’s Dance Practice
If you are interested in participating, you are invited to participate in our Annual Dad’s Dance! I know that many of the girls look forward to this every year - Dad’s too - ha ha! The Dad’s dance is a tradition at BCFD and is truly special to all involved. If you desire to participate it will be necessary for you to attend the following practices - thank you!

Dancers Only - No Dads - Wednesday, March 12th (6:30-7:10) - Studio room 1

Dancers Only - No Dads - Tuesday, April 1st (6:30-7:10) - Studio room 1    

Dancers Only - No Dads - Tuesday, April 8th (6:30-7:10) - Studio room 1

Dads and Dancers - Tuesday, April 22nd (6:30-7:10) - BCFD Parking Lot

Dads and Dancers - Monday, May 5th (6:30-7:15) - BCFD Parking Lot

Dads and Dancers - Tuesday, May 6th (6:30-7:15) - BCFD Parking Lot

Dads and Dancers - Monday, May 12th (6:30-7:15) - BCFD Parking Lot

Dads and Dancers - Tuesday, May 13th (6:30-7:15) - BCFD Parking Lot


~If Dad’s can’t attend, Mom’s or a family member please fill in for them.

~ The schedule is subject to minor changes.