this Newsletter
BCFD Costume
Picture Days
Costume Arrivals
Razzle Dazzle
Happy New Year!!
hope that all of you enjoyed your Holidays! You are missed, and we look forward
to our dance season's awesome second half. Happy New Year!! May all have a
blessed, healthy and happy New Year!! Live It Up!
Remember to look at the bottom of this newsletter for all
the important upcoming dates posted. You will not want to miss out on our
upcoming events and deadlines.
All orders for dance shoes and tights can be placed on the
15th of each month. If you wish to order dance items please be sure to get in
your order before the 15th. Order forms are located in the dance centre'
lobby. Please be sure to order early, and don't forget about picture days
and the dance concert. All will need to wear proper shoes and attire for
the picture weekend.
classes need specific shoes for picture days and the dance concert. Please
order in advance to ensure that everyone has the correct shoes.
~Saturday Practice - January 6th - 8:24AM
~please see previous emails sent for attire and other details.
~makeup demo to follow practice for all Dazzlers, don't forget makeup,
brushes, etc.
Competition Fees #3 were due Dec 15th - Including the completed form, if
you did not pay on the 15th, please include the late fee.
~Razzle Dazzle - Saturday, January 25th - please be over prepared - thank you!!
Payments for solos/duos are due February 1st to avoid the $50 late fee.
Camp Fees due March 1st.
Calling all dedicated dancers! If you are interested in
trying out for our Dazzler performing and competition team please speak with
Ms. Barbara! Auditions are held the 1st two weeks after school ends in June of
every year. If you think you are interested, please let us know and we can send
you the Intensive Program Handbook that will better help you understand our
fabulous organization. This handbook will answer your questions concerning
cost, expectations, rules and regulations, etc. We are looking for those
dancers who are dedicated and truly have a love and passion for dance!
Dance Concert tickets for our Project BCFD Dance Concert
will go on sale on February 1st! Tickets are limited in number and will be
first come first serve. Please look for and fill out the form that will be
emailed to you soon (show weekend is the weekend of May 16th). Please put the
form and cash payment in the tuition basket or give it to Ms. Barbara or Ms.
Kim. Tickets will be returned to you at a later date. Tickets are $25.00
each before March 1st. and will increase thereafter. So don’t delay! Now is the
time to start thinking of the special guest that you would like to invite to
our 25th Anniversary Show!!!
Don’t forget to buy tickets for A Night of Razzle Dazzle,
on Saturday, January 25th, 2025! This event is a fundraiser for our Dazzler
Performing/Competition Team. The night will include an awesome
performance by the Dazzlers along with some special guests!!! Spaces are
limited so don’t delay. Tickets will be available for purchase in the
dance centre’ lobby from a dance team parent on Thursdays. Tickets go quickly,
so don’t miss out on this exciting event. Razzle Dazzle will be held at Lake Region
High School. A BIG Thank You to the Dazzler Competitive Team Parents for
working so hard to make the event a success!
If you wish to schedule a private lesson to work on a
certain skill, to catch up on a problem area, or just to gain a little more
confidence, please speak to Ms. Barbara to set up a convenient time! Cost is
$30.00 per 1/2 hour.
Fees are due by the 1st day of each month. If payment is received after the 1s,
please add the $20.00 late fee. Thanks in advance for your
your Birthday Party at the dance centre’! Let us do the work for you! We supply
the facility, the costumes, the props, and dance instruction …. All for one low
price. If interested speak to us. Our parties have proven to be tons of
majority of our costumes have arrived! When you receive your costume make sure that
you have all the pieces and be sure to place your name or initials on all
costume pieces. Be sure that you look at the costume example pictures posted in
the costume notebook, located in the lobby. This will help all to see exactly
how head and arm pieces etc., are to be worn. Also, take notice of the
specified shoe and tight color. Now is the time to start thinking about these
things. If you need to order shoes please do so immediately, as our picture
days will be here soon. It's important to not wait until the last minute
to take care of details such as proper shoes and alterations! Thank You!
you have any outstanding balances (i.e. - unpaid tuition for December or
January, etc.) you will be unable to take home your costumes until all accounts
are paid in full. Please be sure to let your children know - thank you!
in our beautiful dance costumes will be taken on February 12th &13th at
BCFD. This is the time to take individual and group pictures in your
fabulous dance concert costumes. The pictures will be taken at the studio by a
professional dance photographer. Please specific days and times below.
Please make sure to make every effort to come at your specific time.
The group photos are keepsakes and it would be great to have everyone in
their group photos.
Normal classes will not be held during our dance costume picture
will be taken individually in all the dance concert costumes. We would like to ask that all PLEASE show up for
picture day. We do take a group picture and it often means a lot to the
families and me when all classmates are in the picture. Group photos are taken
1st, so don't be late for your picture time, Individual shots will follow - see
picture times posted below. ALL CLASS GROUP PICTURES WILL ALSO BE IN OUR
BEAUTIFUL DANCE CONCERT PROGRAM BOOK! Once again, all must be in the group
For those of you who have purchased pictures in the past years you know how
fabulous the pictures are!! Picture prices are comparable to school photo
packages. If we can help with any questions please let
us know, we are happy to help.
Even if you do not want to take individual pictures, please
plan to attend for the group photo. All group photos are in the dance concert
program book and ar very important to all. Thank
Centre’ For Dance
2025 Costume Picture Schedule
Wednesday, February 12th
3:30 Monday Intermediate Jazz
4:00 Wednesday Elementary Clogging &
Wednesday Intermediate Clogging
4:30 Monday Intermediate Lyrical
5:00 Wednesday Elementary Hip Hop
5:30 Wednesday Dazzler Class - Little Party
6:10 Dazzler Group Photo - group photo only (high fashion
runway outfit of choice, including headpiece)
6:25 Monday Adv/Intermediate Fusion
7:05 Barbie
7:45 Pop
8:05 Tuesday Advanced TOTAL Jazz
8:40 Tuesday Advanced Acro - group photo only
8:50 Monday Advanced Modern - group photo only
9:05 Senior Group Photo - (jeans, no shoes, white t-shirt
and black grad cap)
Thursday, February 13th
3:30 Monday Elementary Jazz
4:00 Monday Elementary Ballet &
Thursday Intermediate Ballet
4:45 Monday Elementary Tap & Thursday Intermediate Tap
5:15 Monday & Wednesday Elementary Acro
5:45 Thursday PreDance
6:30 Specialty Routine Group Photo (individual
shots for all solo/duos 5th grade and under only)
6:45 Tuesday Adv Clogging
7:15 Thursday Adv Tap
7:45 Thursday Adv Ballet
8:20 Thursday Musical Theatre - group photo only
8:40 Monday Adv Lyrical
9:15 Specialty Routines (individual shots for solo/duo 6th
grade and up, see specialty group photo scheduled above)
schedule may have minor changes before picture weekend. Be sure to read your Newsletter for updates, etc.
~ Studio reopens
Monday, January 13th
~January Tuition
Due - January 1st to avoid the late fee
~Razzle Dazzle -
Saturday, January 25th - 5:00 PM
~Public School
Holiday – Monday, January 20th - Studio Opens @ 3:45 PM on this day
Tuition Due - February 1st to avoid the late fee
~Project BCFD
Dance Concert Tickets go on sale - February 1st
~Public School
Early Dismiss Day – Friday, Feb 14th - Studio Opens @ 3:45 PM on this day
~Public School
Holiday - Monday, February 17th
~Costume Picture
Days – Feb 12th, 13th & 14th @ BCFD - Times TBA
~March Tuition
Due - March 1st to avoid the late fee
~Project BCFD
Dance Concert Tickets - price increase - March 1st
~Dazzler Camp
Fees Due - March 1st
~Deadline to double
check rough draft copy of the Project BCFD Program Book - Wednesday, March 12th
~Deadline for
Dance Concert Video Orders, Program Book Ads & T-shirt Orders
- Wednesday, March 12th
~Public School
Early Dismiss Day – Friday, March 14th – Studio Opens @ 3:45 PM on this day
~Spring Break -
Studio Closed - March 17th-21st
~April Tuition
Due - April 1st to avoid the late fee
~Public School
Holiday - Friday, April 18th
~Public School
Early Dismiss Day – Friday, April 17th - Studio Opens @ 3:45 PM on this day
~Summer Class
Fees Due - May 1st
~Specialty Fees
Due (solos, duo/trios) - April 1st & May 1st
~May Tuition Due
- May 1st to avoid the late fee
~Project BCFD
Dance Centre' Rehearsals - @ BCFD
Monday, May 5th
- Wednesday, May 7th & Monday, May 12th - Tuesday, May 13th
~Project BCFD
Dress Rehearsal - Friday, May 16th @ Polk State College
~Project BCFD Dance Concert - Saturday, May 17th - 5:00 PM @ Polk State College
~Project BCFD Dance Concert Sunday, May 18th - 2:30 PM @ Polk State College
~Last Day of
Public School - Wednesday, May 29th